Cymatron Sound Table - Cutting Edge Technology - Cosmic Womb

The Cymatron Sound Table is a cutting edge experience in musical massage. While you lie on the sound table, the 7 speakers beneath vibrate the frequencies from the music throughout the cellular system, shaking and vibrating the organs, muscles, nervous and circulatory system. These vibration helps to release toxins and trapped emotions and feelings that we hold in our tissues and body.
The Cymatron Facilitator has been trained in the science of cymatics (which is what the sound table is named after), in principles of sacred geometry and energy healing. Each session creates an intent for healing so you can direct the selection of appropriate music to enhance the outcome. Cymatron sound sessions are best done in a series of three consecutive sessions to create the best environment for shifts and changes. The Cymatron Facilitator assists you in developing an stating the intent, and then selects the music based on it. This is a very powerful tool for transformation. Many have expressed their complete satisfaction in moving beyond unconcscious beliefs and patterns with the Cymatron Sound Sessions that traditional counseling, group meetings and talk therapy could not release. The energy that holds these beliefs, addictions, emotions, feelings and sensations are what the Cymatron shifts.
As session is typically 1.5hrs and you are fully clothed, covered with a blanket and eye pillow and a sacred space is created to enhance the full sensory experience. You feel like you are in the music and feel the vibrations releasing old stagnated energy. A sense of empowerment, serenity, focus, clarity are some of the states clients state they feel after a session.
The Cymatron Facilitator has been trained in the science of cymatics (which is what the sound table is named after), in principles of sacred geometry and energy healing. Each session creates an intent for healing so you can direct the selection of appropriate music to enhance the outcome. Cymatron sound sessions are best done in a series of three consecutive sessions to create the best environment for shifts and changes. The Cymatron Facilitator assists you in developing an stating the intent, and then selects the music based on it. This is a very powerful tool for transformation. Many have expressed their complete satisfaction in moving beyond unconcscious beliefs and patterns with the Cymatron Sound Sessions that traditional counseling, group meetings and talk therapy could not release. The energy that holds these beliefs, addictions, emotions, feelings and sensations are what the Cymatron shifts.
As session is typically 1.5hrs and you are fully clothed, covered with a blanket and eye pillow and a sacred space is created to enhance the full sensory experience. You feel like you are in the music and feel the vibrations releasing old stagnated energy. A sense of empowerment, serenity, focus, clarity are some of the states clients state they feel after a session.